gasesGas Technologies’ Logistics Department offers a variety of storage and transport solutions.

  • Comprehensive management of the international forwarding process - import and export
  • Cargo handling and materials management
  • Water and air transport
  • Logistics procurement: customer inventory management
  • Treatment of hazardous substances
  • Work with authorities to obtain the permits needed for work with hazardous materials
  • Storage of hazardous materials

Gas Technologies’ maintains two warehouses with toxic permits for hazardous substances in northern Israel (Midgal HaEmek) and southern Israel (Ramat Hovav).

By providing professional and safe storage services for hazardous materials, the Company enables its customers to reduce risk by removing dangerous substances from their facilities.

These warehouses also allow for nationwide deployment and quick response to customers in the supply of materials. The Company’s vehicles are capable of and authorized to transport hazardous materials.

We're proud of our professional working relationship with leading global suppliers of gases, chemicals and gas generators.


We maintain an unwavering commitment to the safety of our employees and customers and protection of the environment.


Safety and health, responsible handling of hazardous materials, and protection of the environment are integral parts of Gas Technologies' work processes. The Company views safety as important as quality, productivity and efficiency.


Gas Technologies & Chemicals believes that providing high-quality products and services is the most effective way to acquire the trust and satisfaction of its customers and thereby ensure the Company's continued growth and success.

Gas Technologies is certified by three ISO standards.